vent: fuckin singlets dude oh my god

24-12-02 @ who cares

god i'm so fucking tired of singlets sometimes jesus christ. i don't even have anything coherent to say about this lmao i'm just frustrated by them sometimes. and it's so obvious too when they're tired of your "shit" (i.e. being too openly plural/nonhuman/f[i/a]ctive/etc) and they leave you on read or awkwardly change the subject and never mention it again. "yeah i wanna hear about all your alters" then whyyyyy do you never ever bring any of it up unless i'm the one that manually drags your eyes to it every time? it's not even enough to only allude to it or imply because they get confused if i don't signpost every single vaguely-plural-coded thing i say with "hey btw i'm about to say something weird and multiple". fucking lazy

and it's not like i owe anyone legibility, least of all those who thrive on the fact that i keep this shit to myself instead of trying to painstakingly describe each fragment individually into a small digestible text blurb. they expect me to be a bunch of cutesy variations on one core "theme", but some of us aren't fucking related to each other. i've never met these assholes. you just want a nicely-formatted cast of characters so you can gawk at me like a zoo animal, don't you? i even have a detailed list like that but it *gasp* treats us like individuals with autonomy so it'd probably be too scary of a read

it's so blindingly obvious when they're experiencing Singlet Apprehension™, too. every "singlet" that had really any amount of straightforwardness or seriousness or tact about my plurality just ended up being plural themselves. it feels like a joke or generalization but it hasn't once failed me lol