vent: new domain (or lack thereof)

24-11-10 @ evening

i wanted to buy a new domain today. something short, so that i could use subdomains like i get this idea every so often, since i'd love to have lots of projects all with their own stylish urls, or give friends free domain names, or anything else you could do with a domain like that.

but that's the thing, isn't it? i'd "love to", but i don't have that many projects. who am i kidding. it's not like i actually get any of my projects to any level of completion where they'd warrant a stylish domain name like that. all i do is think about it, without ever taking action to make any of it real. i always have some excuse why i can't work on something right now, too. i just need to shut the fuck up and start making things until i actually have something i want to show off, don't i? and we all know i'll never do that.