
when referring to me, please use the “fae” series of words instead of the more common “he”, “she”, “they”, etc. i understand if you're not used to this — that's why i wrote this page!

btw, feel free to drop me a line about this, i'm happy to explain further if needed

how do i use them?

in writing, one way to get used to the pronouns is by starting out using “she”, then swapping out “she” and “her” for “fae” and “faer”.

in speech, the words “fae” and “faer” rhyme with “they” and “their”. be careful, though: the correct form is “fae is running”, and not “fae are running”, despite how it sounds

how can i check if i did it right?

try mentally swapping out “fae” and “faer” for “she” and “her”, leaving every other word as it is (the reverse of what i described above). if it still sounds natural, then you did it right

as an example, “fae talks about faerself” would become “she talks about herself”, which sounds normal, so the original sentence was good too. “fae are running” from above would become “she are running”, which sounds weird, so you can tell it's wrong

what if i get it wrong?

no worries <3 i won't be mad

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